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Our import option allows users to manually generate a timekeeping file in Toast and upload it to APS.


How it Works




There’s no “I” in Toast. The only way we’ll succeed is by solving problems together and sharing lessons along the way. As individuals we own our actions, support and respect each other, and embrace our differences.

Empathy is our default. We strive to make everyone from employees and customers to partners and beyond feel like they belong. We’re fiercely passionate about our community and are devoted to their success.

We deliver results with integrity. Challenging work is rewarding work, and accomplishing our goals requires a mix of grit, resilience, and humor. Toasters are creative problem-solvers. We hold ourselves – and each other – accountable to get the job done.

Great ideas come from anywhere or anyone, regardless of tenure, title, or background. We believe your opinion matters, and that open and honest feedback is a gift. Act on it.

No problem is too big to solve if we stay hungry for innovation. The bigger the idea, the better. We challenge the status quo, and take risks to help our community thrive. Our curiosity and passion is the foundation for all we do – and encourages us to learn from our mistakes.

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How it Works
