Sales 855.945.7921  |  Support 888.277.8514  |


How it Works




Transamerica has been helping people feel better about the future for more than 100 years. We provide investment, retirement, and life insurance solutions to more than 11 million customers throughout the U.S. But the way we see it, our responsibility goes beyond our clients’ accounts. We’re in the business of helping people live well and empowering them to create a better tomorrow through the financial and health-related habits they form today. We help people prepare by providing solutions that consider the whole picture.

Simply stated, our purpose is helping people achieve a lifetime of financial security. And we’re committed to providing the right tools, services, and strategies our customers need to do just that — whether it’s saving and investing, protecting themselves and their loved ones, or preparing for an active and meaningful retirement.

Services Provided

How it Works

APS offers export and 360 integration options with Transamerica:

  • Our export option allows you to manually generate a file and upload it to Transamerica.
  • Our 360 integration syncs incoming data on election changes into APS and outgoing data into Transamerica post payroll.


Sales 855.945.7921  |  Support 888.277.8514  |